Will County GIS Property Maps (Illinois)

Will County Assessors determine the value of properties and parcels in order to assess property taxes in Will County, IL. The Assessor's Office maintains current data on every parcel in the district, which includes Will County GIS maps, tax maps, and property maps. These maps show property lines, structures, addresses, and the value of properties in the Assessor's jurisdiction. Tax Assessor's Offices provide online access to property maps.

Channahon Township Assessor Channahon IL 25461 South Fryer Street 60410 815-467-2831 Suggest Edit

Crete Township Assessors Crete IL 1367 Wood Street 60417 708-672-8291 Suggest Edit

Frankfort Township Assessor Frankfort IL 11000 West Lincoln Highway 60423 815-464-3180 Suggest Edit

Frankport Township Assessor Mokena IL 9440 West La Porte Road 60448 708-478-1680 Suggest Edit

Homer Township Assessor Homer Glen IL 14350 West 151st Street 60491 708-301-8166 Suggest Edit

Joliet Township Assessor Joliet IL 175 West Jefferson Street 60432 815-726-5446 Suggest Edit

Lockport Township Assessor Lockport IL 222 East 9th Street 60441 815-838-0780 Suggest Edit

Monee Township Assessor University Park IL 46 Towncenter Drive 60484 708-534-6023 Suggest Edit

New Lenox Township Assessor New Lenox IL 1100 South Cedar Road 60451 815-485-9419 Suggest Edit

Troy Township Assessor Shorewood IL 25448 West Seil Road 60404 815-744-1968 Suggest Edit

Washington Township Assessor Beecher IL 30200 Towncenter Road 60401 708-946-2026 Suggest Edit

Wheatland Assessor Plainfield IL 12337 Illinois 59, Unit 111 60585 815-782-6366 Suggest Edit

Will County Assessor's Office Joliet IL 302 North Chicago Street 60432 815-740-4648 Suggest Edit

Will County Building Departments develop and enforce building codes to ensure the construction of safe buildings in Will County, IL. The Building Department maintains records on design plans for construction and renovation projects, which can include Will County GIS maps and zoning maps. These maps show property lines, current structures on the parcel, and modifications to any structures, including new buildings. Many Building Depts provide online databases to access GIS databases, maps and related property information.

Bolingbrook Permits Bolingbrook IL 375 West Briarcliff Road 60440 630-226-8470 Suggest Edit

Bolingbrook Zoning Bolingbrook IL 375 West Briarcliff Road 60440 630-226-8480 Suggest Edit

Homer Township Planning Department Homer Glen IL 14350 West 151st Street 60491 708-301-0697 Suggest Edit

Joliet City Zoning Joliet IL 150 West Jefferson Street 60432 815-724-4055 Suggest Edit

Joliet Permits Joliet IL 150 West Jefferson Street 60432 815-724-4070 Suggest Edit

Lockport Building Department Lockport IL 921 South State Street 60441 815-838-2200 Suggest Edit

Plainfield Building Department Plainfield IL 24401 West Lockport Street 60544 815-439-2937 Suggest Edit

Plainfield Planning and Zoning Department Plainfield IL 24401 West Lockport Street 60544 815-439-2824 Suggest Edit

Will County Clerks file documents and preserve municipal records in order to maintain an archive in Will County, IL. The Clerk's Office contains a number of documents on property, including GIS maps and property maps that show property lines, registered lands, and, in some cases, property tax assessments. Will County GIS maps may also include information on soil composition, floodplains, air traffic, and more. Many County Clerk Offices provide online databases to access GIS and property maps.

Beecher Village Clerk Beecher IL 724 Penfield Street 60401 708-946-6388 Suggest Edit

Bolingbrook Village Clerk Bolingbrook IL 375 West Briarcliff Road 60440 630-226-8411 Suggest Edit

Braidwood City Clerk Braidwood IL 141 West Main Street 60408 815-458-2333 Suggest Edit

Elwood Village Clerk Elwood IL 201 East Mississippi Avenue 60421 815-423-5011 Suggest Edit

Homer Township Clerk Homer Glen IL 14350 West 151st Street 60491 708-301-7042 Suggest Edit

Lockport Township Clerk Lockport IL 222 East 9th Street 60441 815-838-1031 Suggest Edit

Monee Village Clerk Monee IL 5130 West Court Street 60449 708-534-8301 Suggest Edit

Will County Clerk Joliet IL 302 North Chicago Street 60432 815-740-4616 Suggest Edit

Will County Recorders of Deeds collect public records, primarily documents related to property, and make them available to the public in Will County, IL. The Deeds Registrar maintains records on land transactions within its jurisdiction, including Will County GIS and property maps. These maps show property lines, Will County property and parcel surveys, and, in some cases, property transactions and tax liens. Many Recorders of Deeds provide online databases to access free GIS maps, as well as related property information.

Will County Recorder of Deeds Joliet IL 158 North Scott Street 60432 815-740-4637 Suggest Edit

Will County Recorder of Deeds - Bolingbrook Office Bolingbrook IL 241 Canterbury Lane 60440 630-759-5780 Suggest Edit

Will County Town Halls or City Halls are the chief administrative offices that run a town or city in Will County, IL. The Town or City Hall maintains property records related to the locality, including Will County GIS maps. These maps show Will County property lines, municipal boundaries, zoning boundaries, and property value assessments. GIS maps of Will County may also include information on soil composition, floodplains, air traffic, and more. Many Town and City Halls provide online databases to access GIS and property maps.

Crest Hill City Hall Crest Hill IL 1610 Plainfield Road 60403 815-741-5102 Suggest Edit

Custer Town Hall Wilmington IL 37131 Essex Road 60481 815-458-2252 Suggest Edit

Joliet City Hall Joliet IL 150 West Jefferson Street 60432 815-724-4000 Suggest Edit

Lockport City Hall Lockport IL 222 East 9th Street, Fl 2 60441 815-838-0549 Suggest Edit

Wilmington City Hall Wilmington IL 1165 South Water Street 60481 815-476-2175 Suggest Edit

Will County Treasurers and Tax Collectors are responsible for the collection of property tax revenue in Will County, IL. The Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector maintains current data on every parcel in the district, which includes property maps complete with Will County GIS data. These maps show property lines, structures, addresses, and the value of properties in the Treasurer and Tax Collector's Will County assessment roll. Many Treasurers and Tax Collectors provide online databases to access GIS and property maps, as well as related property information.

Will County Treasurer's Office Joliet IL 302 North Chicago Street 60432 815-740-4675 Suggest Edit