Weld County Assessors determine the value of properties and parcels in order to assess property taxes in Weld County, CO. The Assessor's Office maintains current data on every parcel in the district, which includes Weld County GIS maps, tax maps, and property maps. These maps show property lines, structures, addresses, and the value of properties in the Assessor's jurisdiction. Tax Assessor's Offices provide online access to property maps.
Weld County Assessor Greeley CO 1400 North 17th Avenue 80631 720-652-4255 Suggest Edit
Weld County Assessor Longmont CO 4209 County Road 24 1/2 80504 720-652-4255 Suggest Edit
Weld County Building Departments develop and enforce building codes to ensure the construction of safe buildings in Weld County, CO. The Building Department maintains records on design plans for construction and renovation projects, which can include Weld County GIS maps and zoning maps. These maps show property lines, current structures on the parcel, and modifications to any structures, including new buildings. Many Building Depts provide online databases to access GIS databases, maps and related property information.
Greeley Building Department Greeley CO 1100 10th Street, Ste 114 80631 970-350-9830 Suggest Edit
Greeley City Zoning Greeley CO 1100 10th Street, Ste 202 80631 970-350-9780 Suggest Edit
Weld County Building Department, Planning, Zoning and Permits Greeley CO 1555 North 17th Avenue 80631 970-353-6100 Suggest Edit
Windsor Planning and Zoning Department Windsor CO 301 Walnut Street 80550 970-674-2436 Suggest Edit
Weld County Clerks file documents and preserve municipal records in order to maintain an archive in Weld County, CO. The Clerk's Office contains a number of documents on property, including GIS maps and property maps that show property lines, registered lands, and, in some cases, property tax assessments. Weld County GIS maps may also include information on soil composition, floodplains, air traffic, and more. Many County Clerk Offices provide online databases to access GIS and property maps.
Dacano City Clerk Dacono CO 512 Cherry Street 80514 303-833-2317 Suggest Edit
Eaton Clerk Eaton CO 223 1st Street 80615 970-454-2212 Suggest Edit
Evans Clerk Evans CO 1100 37th Street 80620 970-339-5344 Suggest Edit
Greeley City Clerk Greeley CO 1000 10th Street 80631 970-350-9740 Suggest Edit
Nunn Town Clerk Nunn CO 185 Lincoln Avenue 80648 970-897-2385 Suggest Edit
Weld County Clerk Greeley CO 1402 North 17th Avenue 80631 970-353-3840 Suggest Edit
Weld County Clerk Fort Lupton CO 2950 9th Street 80621 303-857-4635 Suggest Edit
Weld County Clerk Longmont CO 4209 County Road 24 1/2, # C 80504 720-652-4203 Suggest Edit
Weld County Recorders of Deeds collect public records, primarily documents related to property, and make them available to the public in Weld County, CO. The Deeds Registrar maintains records on land transactions within its jurisdiction, including Weld County GIS and property maps. These maps show property lines, Weld County property and parcel surveys, and, in some cases, property transactions and tax liens. Many Recorders of Deeds provide online databases to access free GIS maps, as well as related property information.
Weld County Recorder of Deeds Greeley CO PO Box 459 80632 970-304-6530 Suggest Edit
Weld County Town Halls or City Halls are the chief administrative offices that run a town or city in Weld County, CO. The Town or City Hall maintains property records related to the locality, including Weld County GIS maps. These maps show Weld County property lines, municipal boundaries, zoning boundaries, and property value assessments. GIS maps of Weld County may also include information on soil composition, floodplains, air traffic, and more. Many Town and City Halls provide online databases to access GIS and property maps.
Dacono Town Hall Dacono CO 512 Cherry Street 80514 303-833-2317 Suggest Edit
Eaton City Hall Eaton CO 223 1st St 80615 970-454-3338 Suggest Edit
Eaton Town Hall Eaton CO 223 1st Street 80615 970-454-2212 Suggest Edit
Erie Town Hall Erie CO 645 Holbrook Street 80516 303-926-2700 Suggest Edit
Evans City Hall Evans CO 1100 37th Street 80620 970-339-5344 Suggest Edit
Fort Lupton City Hall Fort Lupton CO 130 S McKinley Ave 80621 303-857-6694 Suggest Edit
Frederick Town Hall Frederick CO 401 Locust Street 80530 303-833-2388 Suggest Edit
Garden City Town Hall Greeley CO 621 27th Street Rd 80631 970-351-0041 Suggest Edit
Gilcrest Town Hall Gilcrest CO 304 8th Street 80623 970-737-2426 Suggest Edit
Greeley City Hall Greeley CO 1100 10th Street 80631 970-350-9740 Suggest Edit
Grover Town Hall Grover CO 315 Chatoga Avenue 80729 970-895-2213 Suggest Edit
Hudson Town Hall Hudson CO 557 Ash Street 80642 303-536-9311 Suggest Edit
Johnstown Town Hall Johnstown CO 450 South Parish Avenue 80534 970-587-4664 Suggest Edit
Keenesburg Town Hall Keenesburg CO 140 Main Street 80643 303-732-4281 Suggest Edit
Kersey Town Hall Kersey CO 332 3rd Street 80644 970-353-1681 Suggest Edit
La Salle Town Hall La Salle CO 128 North 2nd Street 80645 970-284-6931 Suggest Edit
Mead Town Hall Mead CO 441 3rd Street 80542 970-535-4477 Suggest Edit
Milliken Town Hall Milliken CO 1101 Broad Street 80543 970-587-4331 Suggest Edit
Old Town Hall Frederick CO 105 Fifth Street 80530 303-833-0410 Suggest Edit
Platteville Town Hall Platteville CO 400 Grand Avenue 80651 970-785-2245 Suggest Edit
Severance Town Hall Severance CO 3 Timber Ridge Parkway 80546 970-686-1218 Suggest Edit
Windsor City Hall Windsor CO 301 Walnut Street 80550 970-686-7476 Suggest Edit
Windsor Town Hall Windsor CO 301 Walnut Street 80550 970-674-2439 Suggest Edit
Weld County Treasurers and Tax Collectors are responsible for the collection of property tax revenue in Weld County, CO. The Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector maintains current data on every parcel in the district, which includes property maps complete with Weld County GIS data. These maps show property lines, structures, addresses, and the value of properties in the Treasurer and Tax Collector's Weld County assessment roll. Many Treasurers and Tax Collectors provide online databases to access GIS and property maps, as well as related property information.
Weld County Office Of The Treasurer Greeley CO 1400 North 17th Avenue 80631 970-353-3845 Suggest Edit